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Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Facebook Change Color

Now you can change the color of your facebook profile. So your facebook profile will be more attractive, with a cute background color. Cuku by using the code on facebook, you can change the code of your facebook profile, becoming more beautiful and attractive. So you can create the most attractive appearance facebook.

Bored with Facebook's blue color look that old? Especially if you have a laptop or personal computer at home and every day is always accessing Facebook, of course, never a boring moment with a look of Facebook is the standard from day to day.

take it easy, using a script, you can change the color of your liking Facebook? Yups ... .. whether any favorite color is green, pink, purple, red, yellow, gray or even orange, you can use a color display your Facebook. Not believe? Please see picture below, color display before and after the revamped Facebook using Facebook Color Changer.

To use the script changes the color of your Facebook simply download and install the Facebook Color Changer script, but before make sure Greasemonkey is installed properly on your computer, and you had the Enable this Greasemonkey. Description of Greasemonkey Greasemonkey you can see in the following.

Facebook Color
Change Facebook Color

After Facebook Color Changer script installed on your computer, now time for you to access Facebook. After that see Greasemonkey icon in the right corner of your browser, right click and then select the Commands and click Costumise Userscript Colours Facebook. Windows will appear to determine the color of your choice to Facebook. Choose the color according to your preferences.